Practice Trainees
Law graduates of Singapore universities must attend the Part B of the Bar Examination course held from July to November and undergo training for 6 months under a Practice Training Contract before being called to the Singapore bar.
Law Graduates of recognised foreign universities without prior legal experience must pass Part A of the Bar Examination held in November and undergo 6 months of Relevant Legal Training. They must then attend Part B of the Bar Examination course held from July to November and undergo another 6 months of training under a Practice Training Contract before being called to the Singapore bar.
We welcome applications for both Relevant Legal Training and Practice Training Contract. Applicants should be able to work independently, responsible and well-rounded with a strong academic background.
Applicants who have undergone an internship with us, will have a distinct advantage in their practice training application.
We recruit our Trainees with a view to retention.
Trainees will be exposed to both civil litigation and corporate work. Training for Practice Trainees will be guided by the Practice Training Contract Checklist issued by the Board of Legal Education.
Each Practice Trainee will be assigned to a Partner in the Firm who is qualified to be a Supervising Solicitor under rule 18 of the Legal Profession (Admission) Rules 2011. Currently, all the partners of the firm are qualified to be supervising solicitors. The Supervising Solicitor will give training assignments and supervise the training. Trainees will learn the practical and ethical aspects of practising law. All trainees will develop skills in client care and management, drafting of letters and legal documents, legal research and will be involved in the management of cases and transactions.
Dispute Practice Trainees will receive monthly honorarium during training.
Trainees who are offered an Associate position at the firm can expect a starting salary which would be in line with the market rates.
Interested applicants should send your application to Your application should contain the following information:
A cover letter stating why you wish to join our firm
A recent passport-sized photo
Curriculum vitae including your personal information and contact details
Copies of "O" and "A" level certificates (or equivalent where applicable)
Transcripts of all LLB examinations to date
Awards, prizes and scholarships (if any)
Extra-curricular activities
Do not ask us if we need further information if it pertains to the requirements set out above. Your application will receive a low priority, if at all.